Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The BIG Move: How to tackle a big project.

Best Blogger Tips
Have you ever had something huge you had to tackle and you know what the end goal is but all the steps to get there are all mushed in your brain?

Well that was me today. I knew I needed to get my home packed for the big move but I just could not decide what I needed to do first. So there I stood, in my kitchen, just staring at my cupboards and trying to remember if you were supposed to breath through your nose or your mouth to calm yourself down.

Or is it place your head between your knees? I forget. 

It took me about all day to finally get myself in gear and get packed. I finally remembered that the easiest way to tackle a big project is to break it down into smaller ones. Instead of thinking about all the packing I had to do I started going from room to room. Pack the kitchen, the boys room, baby girls room, our room, toy room, bathrooms, laundry etc. I am almost done but the last thing on my list to pack is my dear old laptop.

Do you know what that means? It means I will be off line, cut off, removed from the world wide web for the next week-and-a-half! The hubby drives out today (with laptop in hand) and I will be hopping on a plane with the kiddos on the 13th.

I will have my handy dandy iPhone so I will be updating facebook and twitter during the week so you can follow me there.

I think I have everything ready to go and I just keep telling myself if I forget something I can always buy it in Alaska.

I mean it's not like Anchorage is in the wilderness. They have stores and stuff...right? Right?

I can't wait to keep you guys posted on the goings on and changes at The Starter Home and especially this new adventure into America's last frontier.

See you in a couple of weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I am liking you more and more! haha. We almost moved to AK last fall; I even went up to Anchorage in Sept to stake things out, interview, etc.
    Anyway, we had just moved back from St. Louis and were happy to be home AND I really needed more work experience to leverage a better salary. Soooooo.....we're re-evaluating it in 3-4 years.
    I cannot wait to read all about your transitions.
    I remember being so excited to see my first moose in city limits! But now I'm with you, would rather spot Ana White! haha


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